Thank you for all those wonderful submissions.
Please find the Winners and Top Submissions of the Competition here.

Communicating about climate change through art

Art is considered as one of the most powerful tools of Communication. Many of us still see climate change as an abstract topic. We need to convince individuals to take action on Climate Change; not in the future, NOW!   Art, in this context, will help us visualize the problem to people and give them a personal encounter regarding climate change. ENACT has decided to conduct an event to encourage individuals to create awareness about climate change through art. Here’s what you have to do!

1. Pick an issue reflecting the impact of climate change (For Example: Hunger, Biodiversity loss, or erratic rainfall are impacts of climate change.)
How are you tackling the Climate crisis at an individual level? We wish to hear your story of change! (For Example: Have you decided to recycle your clothes? / Have you decided to not fly unless absolutely necessary? )

2. Illustrate/paint this ‘impact/ individual contribution’ creatively to bring awareness about the same.

3. Describe your art in less than 100 words. 

We would request you to register for the competition prior to the submission in the form here.
Make your Submission in the link right below! We can’t wait to see your Art work!

Eligibility and Registration

Any person above the age of 18 years and living in India is eligible to take part in the event.


Submission Details

Medium of Art: Digital or Hand drawn art using any medium (oil paints, watercolors, acrylic paints, graphite pencils, charcoal and pastels) 
File type for Submission: JPEG/PDF
You are NOT allowed to submit more than one Artwork.

If you wish to share with us a video of ‘Behind the Scenes’ or a ‘Video message’ about your artwork, please email it to us on [email protected]

Timeline of events

12th November- Announcement
25th December- Deadline
30th December – Results

Judging Criteria


1. Originality of thought: The artwork should reflect an individual’s original thought or idea. It should also be creative while adhering to the theme of the event. It must not be copied from any existing artwork or ideas.

2. Interpretation of the theme: The artist should be able to understand and interpret the theme and same should reflect in their art piece. Is the intent or message clear? Is there evidence or thoughtful exploration of a topic and a clear purpose?

3. Artistic Expression: How well has the artist implemented/express their idea.


In order to encourage participation, we wish to give away prizes for TWO artworks that stand out from the rest! It is going to be a cash prize of Rs. 3000 EACH from ENACT and ICA;  a Gift Hamper of eco- friendly stationery worth Rs. 800 from The Rain Story and a chance to have your art work hosted at the Climate Museum by Bangalore Creative Circus!

So what are you waiting for?  Get your creative juices flowing!


ENACT – Enabling Necessary Action through Climate Talk is an online platform that aims to develop the climate discourse and create a Climate Literate Society. 


The Rain Story

At The Rain Story, we have an amalgamation of contemporary design stories and a beautiful cause for better tomorrow with a vision to deliver environment friendly products to you. We use recyclable and Handmade paper for our stationery products. The signature illustrations are hand painted by Raina, digitally printed and then finished by our local artisans, who are keeping the tradition of book binding with hands from a very long time.  So, let’s support our local creators, use eco-friendly products and take a step towards sustainable living. 

Email:  [email protected]
Instagram: @therainstory

Bangalore Creative Circus

Bangalore Creative Circus was created to celebrate Sustainable Living. We are committed to addressing the challenges of urban sustainability and climate change. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and community to create holistic impact, along with access to credible and contextual knowledge, solutions, and services.

Email:  [email protected]
Instagram: @blrcreativecircus

Initiative for Climate Action

The Initiative for Climate Action (ICA) is a non-profit and has a vision that imagines, enables and accelerates low-carbon and zero-carbon futures of justice and sustainability. We are starting our journey with building an ecosystem for climate action in Bangalore, India. We combine contextual Climate Knowledge with High-Impact Action on the ground.

Email: [email protected]