Privacy Policy


ENACT is committed to protect the privacy of all its users. In terms of our Privacy Policy:

Any article posted on ENACT are readable by the public.

ENACT reserves the right to contact you via the email address you provide, at any time, including but not limited to when you comment, post in forums, or get in touch over the contact forms on the website.

ENACT will at all times keep your identity and email address confidential, subject to this Privacy Statement and Disclaimer.

In order to improve the website’s performance, ENACT may collect, store and use your personal data, including:

§   information about your computer, your IP address and your use of the website;

§   information that you provide when you submit an article or a post or use the Contact form; and

§   any other information that you choose to send to [email protected]

ENACT will take all reasonable care and security precautions to safeguard your personal data and prevent its loss and misuse. However, we cannot guarantee the security or privacy of information or data sent over Internet connections.

ENACT will not share your personal information with third parties without your permission. Unless we are required to do so under any law, or in connection with any legal proceedings and/or to defend our legal rights.

ENACT reserve the right to update, change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. The Statement shall come to effect from the date of such update, change or modification.